So, technically this post is probably a month late, but I thought I better record it. Doc met with his plastic surgeon and everything is looking good there, as far as his skin is concerned so we don't have to see him unless something else comes up. He got the "all-clear"! Next we saw his orthopedic surgeon. We were expecting, based on his check-up in March, that surgery of one type or another (amputation or symes) was going to be scheduled however his doctor was happy with the progress he is showing just using his new orthotic that we don't have to think about surgery right now, and don't have to see her again for a year. We're happy, happy, happy! Our PT goals are for him to start pulling up and walking (w/ a walker), hopefully by next year (although I am not so sure we'll make that . . . ) Maybe Doc will surprise me! (He's been known to at times.) :)
I will try to post a picture soon of him sporting the orthotic.