Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One Extra Chromosome

I'm going through Beth Moore's Revelation study right now, I'm (we're) almost done.  I'm doing it with a group of ladies at a local church.  It's awesome, if you get the opportunity DO IT!  Seriously, Just Do It!

Tonight Beth Moore went over chapter 19.  FINALLY a chapter to celebrate.  A reprieve from the depressing state of the world that is still to come.  If you think it's bad now, just wait.  I mean, think like the last Harry Potter movie, but REAL.  That's the picture that comes to mind when reading about the demons and darkness and evil that will be so prevalent.  But anyways, back to tonight, it was a happy study.  The wedding feast.  Jesus coming, the Lord of lords and King of kings, riding on his white steed and his armies behind him.  Just amazing.  I can't wait!  Revelation 19:7 says "Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory."  Beth Moore went on to describe what glad means there.  When translated it's not like "the officer didn't give me a ticket" glad, or "my favorite ice cream is on sale" glad, or even "my kids are getting along today" glad - it's a JUMP UP AND DOWN super duper KiNd of GLAD!  Do you know what I mean?  It's like "GggggLllllllAaaaaaaD" (yes, I'm quoting Beth Moore now).  She asked, "do you remember the last time you were so glad you jumped up and down?"  I smiled, I immediately remembered a few times in the last 6 years.  The first one I can remember is when the pregnancy test was positive for my first-born.  I was in the kitchen, I blinked a few times so see if I was reading it right, and then I jumped up and down right there!  The second time I can distinctly remember was when the genetics counselor from the high-risk ob office called with the amnio results for our youngest.  She said he does have trisomy 21 or what is called Down syndrome.  I jumped up and down and was glad.  GggggLlllllAaaaaD.  That may sound strange.  Let me explain: our second was still born with tetrasomy 9p and because of that was too ill to live on earth for very long.  When an abnormality was shown on Doc's (our youngest) ultrasound too many sad thoughts filled my head and had me google-diagnosing him for at least a week.  I wanted to make sure there was something else other than tetrasomy 9p that would cause him to have an abnormality.  There were, and most of them were fatal also.  I was hoping and praying that it was an extra 21st chromosome, or nothing, since I felt those were the only two choices I had that would give him a chance to live (short of a miracle from God).  So yes, when I heard he had Down syndrome I was glad.  So glad I jumped up and down.

Now, why everyone else we told had some disappointment to their voice I don't know.  God has wonderfully created every human, ever, and Doc is no exception.  I thank God for him every day.  It's not as common for God to make a baby with an extra chromosome and this time when He did He entrusted him to us.  :)  For this I am thankful.  And blessed.  I love this little man soooo much.  Just like I love his three older siblings.  I feel totally inadequate to be entrusted with raising him, as I also do with his older brother and sister but that's probably all part of God's perfect plan of getting me to rely on Him more and more every day without ever not.  I love all that his one extra chromosome brings to him, and to us.

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