Wow - such a BIG deal over PBS. If it's that important to the state of raising our children then maybe we need to donate more of our own $ towards them. I like(d) PBS when we got it but we don't anymore and SURPRISE - we're surviving. I know, right, with 3 children to raise and teach and educate by myself (for at least all but roughly 3 hours a day). It's downright amazing that I limit my kid's TV screen time to 30 minutes each and allow them to watch each other's shows for a total of 60 minutes a day, and we do it all without PBS. When the digital system took over we didn't get it anymore on our TV. There's no reason why we don't but we don't and it was/is sad. Amazingly, my kids survive by picking out their shows on Netflix or watching the DVD they get to borrow from the library each week. Fortunately, most of what they pick out is educational, other than Spongebob but given Big Brother only gets 30 minutes a day he's going to choose that over anything PBS offers anyhow. Yes, I limit the time they're allowed to watch but don't dictate what they can watch (unless it's entirely too inappropriate.)
Do so many moms rely on PBS to educate and entertain their little ones that it is going to affect the election of the next president of the United States??? Wow (did I say that already?) It is is our job to train and raise up the children entrusted to us, not the television's or creative minds behind the broadcasting. You know what not letting your kids watch TV when they whine produces: patience/imaginative play/discipline/self-control/etc/etc/etc. Basically, stuff that's way more important than what they can learn from PBS.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have it around, if we got it I know Half-pint and someday Doc would choose their shows from that station, but it shouldn't affect who we're going to vote on as our leader for the next four years. (In case you're worried, DVR it, or invest in the DVD's.)
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